The Women’s Ministries here at Bethesda Fellowship is a group of awesome Women that are committed to each other for the building of the kingdom of God. Women understanding women and the issues they face each and every day rather being young, senior or middle aged. They interact with each other in monthly meetings, Women Prayer breakfast at home and abroad, traveling every year to a Ladies conference in Tennessee having a time of fellowship and fun with ladies of “like-faith”.
The Women’s Ministry here at BFC have committed to touch and make a difference in lives not only here at home but in foreign countries also. The word of God says: “But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?”
This ministry not only gives of their time and energy, they supports also financially giving to orphanages in China and India. Every year at Christmas they do a “angel tree”; where they adopt several families that may be struggling and provide “Christmas” to that family with toys, clothing and food allowing them to enjoy the true meaning of Christmas.
Under the direction of Candi Jordan and her board, they have ladies that faithfully support this ministry to make it what it has become today; a heart of servanthood, serving others as Christ served.
For more information on the Women’s Ministry call the church office.
Pray service should be the most important service a church can ever have!
“… Pray always, pray without ceasing!”
“…If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then shall I hear from heaven, and shall forgive their sins, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
In the days in which we live we must have someone that is called of God to intercede for souls of man. Intercessory Pray is the key to any successful and dynamic church where men and women are being saved, healed and delivered. We often pray to the Lord for our individual needs and desires as well as for the body of Christ. We have established a time to come together as believers and intercede for the Lord’s burden.
It is a time for us to join together and pray for the burden that the Lord has for His Church and for His body.
Prayer is the key… On Monday nights at 7:00 pm- 8:00pm, we meet in the main sanctuary on our campus, individually praying for the will of the Lord to be done on earth as it is in heaven, agreeing together in efforts praying for Revival, and the needs of the church, our community and our nation.
Send your prayer request to our office and we will agree praying for your need.
Each Monday night we ask you to join efforts in prayer, even if you are not at the church, corporately praying for America and revival to touch our land!
(The church is open all day on Mondays for you to come pray if so desires.)
"You have been brought to the kingdom for such a time as this..." God has spoken throughout scriptures that the older women was to teach the younger girls. “Older women likewise are to be… teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored” (Titus 2:3-5).
As Esther was being groomed to be able to present herself to the King in the Old Testament and that He would receive her on that day not only for herself but for her people. We here at BFC believe in this concept, a group of ladies (spiritual mothers) that has been praying concerning the young ladies that are in our fellowship and in our community and have created a class to help them by teaching the word of God, creating the Godly Women they are to be. Not only for this time in their lives but in future when God so choses a mate for them and they become wives and mother themselves. Here they are in more of an intimate smaller settings so they can ask questions, and feel more comfortable doing so.
In the recent class the girls were taught on the emphasis of “Purity”, keeping themselves for that special one that God has created and prepared them to be their life long mate. We here at BFC felt that this subject was that important that we had a special purity ceremony, that evening those girls that went through the class and their parents gave them a purity ring and signed a promise to keep themselves pure. Now those who are now older that went through the 1st section are now teaching and helping with the upcoming class. It is a time of fun, fellowship and development into who God is calling them to be, they have times of a cooking and sewing classes enjoying a Christ-centered time of learning and development.
“…When I was in prison you visited me.”
The ministry is not just in a sanctuary on Sunday, but every day, everywhere God has you at that moment. We have the honor to be able to minister in both Habersham Jail and Lee Arrendale State Prison for Women. God has not called us just to the church but to the lost world. Each week a team of ladies are allowed to go into the TC unit of Lee Arrendale State Prison, leading in a time of worship, the word and prayer, and with encouragement, there is a better way and Jesus has come to them through this ministry. During our Sunday morning Worship, those that are allowed for “pass” to come to the church and worship with us, transiting back into the community. God has so ordained and have trusted us with this assignment and with all our heart and efforts we are attempting to make disciples out of one.
Often during the year we are allowed to go into the public population of the prison touching lives having church services with an interdenominational group of women sharing that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and showing that we love all.
Not only do we minister in the State Prison but we have a group of men that are faithful to the calling of “jail ministry”. These men are allowed into the Habersham County jail each week sharing the Word of God, song and testimony of the mercies and grace of Jesus to each of us. Since this ministry has begun many lives have been challenged, changed and bondages have been broken off and after they have been released men have come to BFC and shared what God has done for them through these men of God. Sometime it is difficult to be faithful to the calling of jail ministry but God has sustained us.
BFC jail and prison ministries are sharing the light of Christ into a darkened world bring faith behind the bars and beyond.
The "Young at Heart” ministry here at BFC is under a remodel and construction phase. With much prayer "YAH" has been starting our fellowship times back and are enjoy each other. prayers we are believing that the right person or persons will join in and give new life to it again. Watch for upcoming events from this ministry.
The ministry provides opportunities where senior adults, over 55 years of age find new friends and a place of acceptance, understanding, and support. We learn from one another, have fun, and find new direction during this stage of our lives.
Most of the seniors I know are fiercely independent and tend to be doers who want to serve the needs of others and leave a legacy in our church and families. Together we find opportunities to serve others in a financial or physical way, provide programs that will promote spiritual growth, and have times of Christian entertainment and fun. Our hearts vision is to do this through fellowship dinners, day trips to nearby attractions, overnight caravans to interesting places, card writing for life events, Christmas toy donations, and food delivery to the home-bound.
On a lighter note, we have some real “YOUNG at HEART” seniors here at BFC. When asked about some ideas they are wanting to do, some have shown an interest to go to flea marketing, shopping, mountain trips through the Smokies Mountains, then we have the real “YOUNG at HEART” and they may have to go with the youth, for they are wanting to go Skydiving, Zipped line and tubing down the river. Now this is what I call “YOUNG at HEART". I love it!
With a great population of Hispanic in the Habersham County, Cornelia, Ga. It was the heartbeat of Pastor feeling the heartbeat of God to minister to this nationality. As Pastor John has said that his Spanish was that good and he began to pray, sought God for direction and Pastor Michael Miguel and his wonderful family was sent to BFC for a regular church service and that was where the ball began to roll for BFC-Hispanic Ministries.
Pastor Michael Miguel and leadership began to pray concerning this and God placed it in place.
BFC-Hispanic Ministries Held in our Youth Sanctuary in our Student Center, adjacent to our main sanctuary
Sunday Am Service/Praise and worship with live band.
Then the word is brought forth be Pastor Michael
This ministry is not just on Friday Evenings but also a mission each and every day. For more information call the church office
This ministry is not just on Friday Evenings but also a mission each and every day.
For more information call the church office
Con una gran población de hispanosen el condado de Habersham, Cornelia, Georgia. Fue el latido del Pastor sintiendo el latido del corazón de Dios para ministrar a esta nacionalidad. Como el Pastor John dijo que su español era muy bueno y comenzó a orar, buscó a Dios para que lo guiara, y el Pastor Michael Miguel y su maravillosa familia fueron enviados a BFC para un servicio regular a la iglesia y ahí fue donde comenzó a rodar la pelota para BFC. Ministerios Hispanos.
El pastor Michael Miguel y el liderazgo comenzaron a orar con respecto a esto y Dios lo puso en su lugar.
BFC-Ministerios Hispanos Celebrados en nuestro Santuario Juvenil en nuestro Centro de Estudiantes, adyacente a nuestro santuario principal
Sunday Am Service / Alabanza y adoración con banda en vivo.
Entonces se trae la palabra ser el pastor Michael
Este ministerio no es solo en las tardes de los viernes, sino también en una misión todos los días. Para más información llame a la oficina de la iglesia.
Este ministerio no es solo en las tardes de los viernes, sino también en una misión todos los días.
Para más información llame a la oficina de la iglesia.
The Men’s ministry here at BFC is rather a new one and are meeting once a month to encourage and strengthen the brethren. The vison for this ministry is not to be just another spot to fill but it is open to all men and is designed to involve and equip men to be the spiritual leaders of their families and to live out their faith each day. It is necessary for men to become better fathers and better husbands.
The men met and change the name to M.O.F. MEN ON FIRE. BFC desires to keep everything biblically based and the scriptures state that “Iron sharps Iron and a friend sharps a friend” and for us to make disciples out of each other. As “iron sharps iron”, men understand the issues and the problems that men face each and every day. There are many young men that does not have a father figure or a good influence in their lives so this is where M.O.F.. comes into play, we get together holding each other accountable, where one maybe struggling then others not and to help each other to stand strong in the Lord. Older men teaching and influencing the younger men, even in everyday life situations that may arise. It is also a time of fellowship for Christian men, young as well as older to be able to do things together such as outings, deep sea fishing, hunting, lake fishing, auto racing etc. just having a good, clean fun with each other.
Tim Skelton is the men's ministry coordinator, he and his board have one purpose and that is to see the men of God grow and be who God is calling them to be and become the leaders they should be in the home, community and our church.
At this time M.O.F. meet for the regular monthly meetings on the 3rd Friday night of each month with a "potluck" meal beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Come be apart of encouragement and fellowship.