180° Student Ministries is a group of young men and women of God that are ordained and called to change the atmosphere for Christ. This group are called to revolutionize their school, homes, church as well as their community, seeing change come to their peers and their own families. Revolution means: a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. This group has been ordained of God to overthrown the evil and establish new order in Christ the author and finisher of their faith.
They meet every Wednesday night with contemporary Worship and encouraging word from the word of God.
180° Student ministries encourages each other through the word of God, prayers and a support system that makes you believe that you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you.
Throughout the year this group goes on retreats, outings, fun night recreation just to have clean and wholesome fellowship with like-minded teens.
You are invited to join us Wednesday Nights for the Word, Fellowship and Fun
7:00pm FMI call our church office.
180° Youth Worship Band consist of young men and women from BFC and with a heart of Worship to worship they lead us into the presence of the Lord . The musical talent that God has given to each of the band members are phenomenal and they are finding new inward abilities they weren't aware of. With contemporary style worship, they leads worship each week, in our main sanctuary for the Youth Sunday night and are venturing out to other venues as God so opens the doors for ministry. Their hearts is to lead you into the very presence of the Lord past the inner court and into the holy of Holies, for they know that is the only place you can receive for the Lord.
God is maturing each member of this Worship band and taking them into deeper depths with Him.
All I can say is greater things is to come to those that will keep a humble heart and a desire for HIM.
Come be part of our worship experience.
There is a move of the Holy Ghost among the Youth of the Church. A hunger and thirst for HIS presence has been rekindled. Come and experience the moving of God.